
Logo 2017C

The Capri Spring School on Transport in Nanostructures will take place from Sunday, April 23 till Sunday, April 30 at Centro Multimediale “Mario Cacace” of Comune di Anacapri on the Isola di Capri, Italy. This school will address Solid-state quantum information processing. The school comprises five working days (April 24 - 28). On Saturday, April 29 there will be an excursion to Ercolano.

You can download the school poster HERE.

For information about past schools follow the link history on the top links bar.

➡︎ NEWS: The program of the school is now available online. ⬅︎ 

Important Dates

Due to the very limited number of seats in the lecture hall, it is absolutely crucial to note the following strict deadlines.

Registration deadline: January 07, 2017

Notification will be given by  January 14, 2017

The payment of the fee has to be completed by February 14, 2017

Accepted participants not having paid the registration fee by this deadline will be replaced.

Group pictures


Scientific Coordination:

Dario Bercioux
San Sebastián, ES

De Martino

London, UK

Reinhold Egger
Düsseldorf, DE

Hermann Grabert
Freiburg, DE

Christian Schönenberger
Basel, CH

Arturo Tagliacozzo
Naples, IT